Casting artificial bait far out into the ocean up to 200 yards with the waves breaking around is great fun in fishing.
Most fishing areas will want us to have license for fishing. If you're caught without a license, the penalty will spoil our frame of mind for the day where we go out to enjoy fishing and have fun.
We have to search as much as information available in order to know the ideal times for surf fishing. The ideal time is when the tide is high and one should be patient enough for surf fishing.Therefore it's ideal to spend a complete day out while going out for surf fishing.
We needn't buy any special kind of rod or reel for surf fishing. Surf casting completely depends on how well one surf casts. We don't have to surf cast very far.The fish usually swims near the break line eating decaying and rotten substance.
For surf fishing,Small crabs are the best bait .In summer, one can find them in deep holes which they dig on sand or one can find them near the shore.
Make sure that the bait is firm or else the bait might slide off the hook .The fish will get frightened if they sense anything close to them is alien or different. so many who surf fish use a sliding rig which sinks without exerting pressure on it.
There are many fine reasons to go out for surf casting. we can catch a variety of fishes which we feed on. Surf fishing attracts sharks as sharks swim very close to the seashore for fresh food.
Surf casting is a hobby which can be really enjoyed .It is a lovely hobby to make you get out doors and have fun .